0:00:06.502,0:00:12.000 ANCHOR: First, thank God you are safe, brother Saddam, what can you tell us about what you have seen since Feb 15th? 0:00:15.532,0:00:19.064 Or between then and when you left Libya? 0:00:19.064,0:00:23.940 SADAM: Yes, peace be with you. 0:00:23.940,0:00:27.144 I am a resident of the city of Al Bayda in Libya, as you know. 0:00:27.144,0:00:31.766 We came out on the 16th, in Al Bayda. 0:00:31.766,0:00:38.986 We weren't drunk or on pills like he (Gadafi) said, or copying the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions 0:00:38.986,0:00:42.237 ANCHOR: You mean what Gaddafi has said? 0:00:42.237,0:00:46.231 SADAM: Yes, yes. 0:00:46.231,0:00:51.594 It was a peacefull demonstration, by God, we were asking for a proper health system, education... 0:00:51.594,0:00:53.633 ...and a solid foundation 0:00:53.633,0:00:57.980 that was enough for him to massacre us and unleash mercenaries on us 0:00:57.980,0:01:02.196 from the first day our bodies were strewn on the street 0:01:02.196,0:01:03.466 17 men perished 0:01:03.466,0:01:07.678 because we demanded our basic rights 0:01:07.678,0:01:10.918 and he (Gadafi) tells you that the people govern and arm themsleves 0:01:10.933,0:01:12.625 what self governance? 0:01:12.625,0:01:24.179 the moment he gained power the only thing we had was oppression, weakness, subjugation 0:01:24.179,0:01:28.475 only threats, threats! 0:01:28.475,0:01:33.828 ANCHOR: Yes, yes...what was or were the toughest moments for you in the past days? 0:01:35.397,0:01:40.984 SADAM: Feb 18th, in Shahat. After we surrounded the mercenaries 0:01:43.338,0:01:51.154 after we freed Al Baydah the 17th, we went to the hospital to donate blood to the injured 0:01:51.154,0:01:58.073 someone came to us from Shahat, he put down his brothers body 0:01:58.073,0:02:01.745 and asked the youth of Al Baydah to come support him 0:02:01.745,0:02:05.461 and stand up to the tyrants, after they left, 40 of them died as martyrs 0:02:05.461,0:02:08.904 there were police from Al Baydah who were trapped inside 0:02:08.904,0:02:12.331 they wanted to surrender, and as soon as they got out they began shooting at their heads 0:02:12.331,0:02:22.083 I remember one gruesome moment when steam was rising from a man's head after being shot 0:02:22.083,0:02:25.256 this is blasphemy, what religion does he belong to? And he says we are rats! 0:02:25.256,0:02:28.584 We are soldiers and we want to free Libya from this oppression 0:02:28.584,0:02:32.108 enough corruption, Muammar (Gadafi), enough killing! 0:02:32.108,0:02:34.993 all this, you haven't had enough? You only want our blood! 0:02:34.993,0:02:38.030 you're a thug, a killer! 0:02:38.030,0:02:44.347 ANCHOR: Have you left Libya on your own or did you accompany any family? 0:02:44.347,0:02:50.551 I ask you this question because Gadafi has said that some of you were separated from each other 0:02:50.551,0:02:57.423 and that you were given hallucinogenic pills and drugs , etc.. 0:02:57.423,0:03:05.178 so that you lose control of your minds and thinking 0:03:05.178,0:03:14.342 how do you respond to that? 0:03:14.342,0:03:20.319 SADAM: I say.... 0:03:20.319,0:03:27.685 we are dying! At 21, our dreams are being crushed 0:03:27.685,0:03:32.585 no goals, no education, we have some of the highest suicide rates 0:03:32.785,0:03:36.810 due to his oppression, for 42 years he speaks from his Green Book 0:03:36.810,0:03:39.523 this failed book of his, this joke of his 0:03:39.523,0:03:46.041 it's all for his self interest 0:03:46.041,0:03:48.415 and he constantly threatens us...what more can I say? 0:03:48.415,0:03:50.888 we just want to be free, nothing more 0:03:50.888,0:03:53.769 there are no drugs, we just want to be free. 0:03:53.769,0:03:56.588 we want to learn, and be proud to be Libyan, 0:03:56.588,0:03:59.328 but he destroyed our dreams and hopes 0:03:59.328,0:04:01.858 he would round up people after friday prayers in large numbers 0:04:01.858,0:04:04.599 40 at a time, and no one would hear from them again for 35 years. 0:04:04.599,0:04:06.270 without trial 0:04:06.270,0:04:08.245 he's a tyrant 0:04:08.245,0:04:10.755 we said at first he was an oppressor, 0:04:10.755,0:04:13.724 then we said he was a dog holding on to power 0:04:13.724,0:04:16.418 and third we said he was a thug and killer, 0:04:16.418,0:04:20.644 no, I don't even have words to describe him anymore 0:04:20.644,0:04:22.487 about what he's doing 0:04:22.487,0:04:24.731 we haven't seen anything, 0:04:24.731,0:04:31.325 ANCHOR: Now, Sadam, if we were to imagine that Colonel Gadafi could hear you now 0:04:31.325,0:04:33.658 what would you say to him? 0:04:33.658,0:04:36.248 SADAM: I would tell him I'm going to slaughter you 0:04:36.248,0:04:39.081 and throw you away like dogs 0:04:39.081,0:04:41.310 like stray dogs 0:04:41.310,0:04:43.324 you will not find a cemetery to lay on within Libya 0:04:43.324,0:04:45.396 so you won't pollute it anymore 0:04:45.396,0:04:57.877 there is no revenge big enough to repay all of your murders 0:04:57.877,0:05:02.811 we are not the stray dogs, he and his family are 0:05:02.811,0:05:07.163 he is the scum of the earth, he is the one that forced us 0:05:07.163,0:05:09.220 to confront him 0:05:09.220,0:05:12.657 Libya has been lost for 42 years 0:05:12.657,0:05:15.558 he has polluted our country 0:05:15.558,0:05:18.257 Gadafi, I am not afraid of you, 0:05:18.257,0:05:20.772 I came out to send you the message that we are not afraid of you! 0:05:20.772,0:05:23.245 and we will find you in your last corners 0:05:23.245,0:05:25.149 even if we are unarmed 0:05:25.149,0:05:27.564 Allah is on our side and the Devil is on yours, Muammar 0:05:27.564,0:05:29.747 your fall is near! 0:05:29.747,0:05:31.743 And we will throw you away like a dog! 0:05:31.743,0:05:33.973 We aren't cowards, we're soldiers 0:05:33.973,0:05:36.155 the liberated sons of Libya! 0:05:36.155,0:05:39.564 this is my message to him. 0:05:39.564,0:05:41.976 he had better be afraid! 0:05:41.976,0:05:49.576 ANCHOR: Sadam, as a youth, what is the Libya that you would like to see? 0:05:49.576,0:05:52.734 SADAM: I wish for a liberated Libya, free of exploitation 0:05:52.734,0:05:55.213 free of absolute power 0:05:55.213,0:05:59.011 where there are no dogs who control us 0:05:59.011,0:06:01.461 A Libya that is always free! 0:06:01.461,0:06:03.517 A Libya to be proud of! 0:06:03.517,0:06:05.307 An educated Libya, 0:06:05.307,0:06:06.290 a cultural Libya, 0:06:06.290,0:06:08.224 a civilized Libya, 0:06:08.224,0:06:10.044 a forward looking and progressive Libya 0:06:10.044,0:06:12.295 we don't need somone to degrade us 0:06:12.295,0:06:15.414 and kill our culture and civilization 0:06:15.414,0:06:18.054 we want a future, I have goals 0:06:18.054,0:06:20.552 I left without my family's permission 0:06:20.552,0:06:24.038 I want deliver the Libyans' message 0:06:24.038,0:06:28.289 it's a massacre, you can't imagine! 0:06:28.289,0:06:29.675 It's worse than what you see on TV 0:06:29.675,0:06:31.859 ANCHOR: Go ahead, you finish 0:06:31.859,0:06:35.645 SADAM: The TV coverage doesn't show it all 0:06:35.645,0:06:39.520 we in Al Baydah, we are the ones filming, carrying our dead 0:06:39.520,0:06:41.496 we are the ones fighting and protecting our homes 0:06:41.496,0:06:47.487 this is a message I want to send to every Libyan 0:06:47.487,0:06:50.422 Anyone who has a pharmacy, by Allah, please open it and help your brothers 0:06:50.422,0:06:56.729 I swear, we have been ripping our clothes apart to bandage our wounded 0:06:56.729,0:07:00.165 what else does Muammar want from us? 0:07:00.165,0:07:05.537 You have dogs around you to protect you, you coward! 0:07:05.537,0:07:14.328 Your destiny is hell. 0:07:14.328,0:07:18.011 I apologize if i was out of line. 0:07:18.011,0:07:20.651 ANCHORS: That's ok, we understand. 0:07:20.651,0:07:27.069 Thank you, Sadam, speaking to us from Cairo. 0:07:27.069,9:59:59.000 SADAM: Thank you, Al Jazeera...