Maker Faire takes up this space that space All of this that you can see (not just for you). Next weekend is the third annual Maker Faire, here in Centre for Life in Newcastle. It's a big celebration, there are hundreds of exhibitors from across the country, and some beyond. [electronic bleeps and squeaks] [music, horse neighs] It could be crafts, it could be electronics, it could be gadgets. I thought it would be a lovely idea if we had a local group from Newcastle, of young people who hadn't really done this sort of thing before. They could get together, plan something, design it, make it themselves, and then exhibit it at Maker Faire. Should we split it down here, and have people making at that side? So we need a long ramp? Yeah? Then it becomes a competition, but it's kind of in a group. Maybe you could have a top ten of points? It's a snowboarders game, where we've got two ramps where you can fire your little snowboarder - made of pipecleaners and lolly sticks - across, and then a landing ramp. You've got the ramp as well, so when people are ready we can mark off how far the snowboarder's gone. Put our initials next to it, or something like that. I like the white speckles for snowboarders. It's very soft wood, it'll only take a couple of cuts and you're through. Sanding block, a little bit - just take off... It's not that we can't fix it today, it's how to fix it for next weekend. What about using Blu-tack? We can try. My name's Ravi, I work for the Community Science Team. Our rôle is to go out in the community and enthuse people around science. We're working with children from the 4U Youth Club which is based towards the West end of Newcastle. They've obviously got common interests and they're quite similar ages. They're a really nice bunch of lads to work with. They've all come out with loads of different wacky ideas as well, so it's quite exciting. I can make it better than that. ELIN: we've got half an hour. Hopefully we'll have a design of snowboarder and a ramp done this morning So this afternoon we can do some other things as well. They're learning a lot about it as well such as: the skaters, which are part of the game - They're learning about how things should balance, about what works and doesn't work. It's all about trial and error, letting them make mistakes, working from it trying to get the right outcome. We've tried several different launching mechanisms, different ramps… but yeah, it's all coming together. [laughter] That means we need you over there so you can finish it off. ELIN: so if I work with Matt to get the instructions sheet, You can be taking the photos and using the computer. That leaves three of you making the landing ramp. I thought we may as well make it into a competition. If you all want it to be a competition, we can make it like that. No, no. Yes! [laughter] RAVI: I don't think the lads realise the potential of it yet. But next week when they've got everybody playing the game, testing it out. I think then they'll get a real sense of ownership over the game they've devised. Hello, my name is Ryan. This is our snowboarding game. The rules are: you have to get over the jump to get to the finish line. You put your snowboarder in the launching pad... Now this would be a failed attempt. Off we go, see if this works... [cheers, applause]