[ upbeat music... ] [ thinking out loud ] [ person in grey vest ] Woah! Am I wearing too much purple?? I thought the green went really well. [ elevator ding ] [ person in dress ] Oh my god, he thinks I'm easy. No, I have a boyfriend right now. A serious boyfriend. God dammit! I'm not a slut! Maybe my dress is too low? [ person in red shirt ] Does she think I'm a dirty Mexican? Oh crap! The button! [ person in black t-shirt ] Oh joy. A full elevator. "Oh look, the fat guy, fresh from the McDonald's". I can hear it now. [ person in dress ] I hope I look cute. [ person in grey vest ] Oh man! She probably thinks I'm a boy. Does he have a problem with my hair? Just because I'm more handsome than him? [ person in black t-shirt ] Bet they think I didn't walk here today. I did. [ person in dress ] Oh my god, please tell me they're not going here too! [ music... ] [ Captions by: the Radical Access Mapping Project, On Un-ceded Coast Salish Territory, 2013 ]