[Sonya Renee at the Individual World Poetry Slam Finals 2006] Culturally diversified bi-racial girl with a small diamond nose ring and a pretty smile poses beside the words "Women Deserve Better". And I almost let her non-threatening grin begin to infiltrate my psyche til I read the unlikely smallprint at the bottom of the ad: "Sponsored by the US Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities and the Knights of Columbus" on a bus in a city with a population of 563,000 4 teenage mothers on the bus with me. 1 Latino woman with 3 children under 3 and no signs of a daddy. One 16 year old black girl standing in 22 degree weather with only a sweater and a bookbag and a basinette with an infant that aint even 4 weeks yet tell me that yes, women do deserve better. Women deserve better than public transportation rhetoric from the same people who wont give that teenage mother a ride to the next transit. Wont let you talk to their kids about safer sex. Have never had to listen as the door slams behind the man who adamently says that shit aint his. leaving her to wonder how she'll raise this kid. Women deserve better than the $300 TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] and AFDC [Aid to Families with Dependent Children ] will provide that family of 3 Or the $6 an hour job at KFC with no benefits for her new baby or the college degree she'll never see because you cant have infants at the university. Women deserve better than lip service paid for by politicians who have no alternatives to abortion though I'm sure right now one of their 17 year old daughters is sitting in a clinic lobby sobbing quietly and anonymously praying parents dont find out or is waiting for mom to pick her up because research shows that out of wedlock childbirth dont look good on political polls and Bush aint havin that. women deserve better than patchwork governmental policies that dont want to pay for welfare for kids or healthcare for kids or childcare for kids dont want to pay living wages to working mothers dont want to make men who only wanna be last nights lovers responsible for the semen they lay Just flat out dont wanna pay for shit. They want to control the woman who's having it. Acting outraged at abortion Well I'm outraged that they want us to believe that they believe that women deserve better the Vatican wont prosecute pedophile priests but I decide I'm not ready for motherhood and its condemnation for me? These are the same people who wont support national condom distribution to prevent teenage pregnancy but women deserve better. Women deserve better than back alley surgeries that leave our wombs barren and empty deserve better than organizations bearing the name of land stealing, racist, rapists funding million dollar campaigns on subway trains with no money to give these women while balding middle aged white men tell us what to do with our bodies while they wage wars and kill other people's babies. so maybe women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into office. Propaganda and lies to get into panties to get out of court to get out of paying child support GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR DECISIONS AND GIVE US BACK OUR VOICE Women do deserve better Women deserve choice. [cheers]